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[Kanagawa] Inamuragasaki Onsen (稲村ケ崎温泉): The Only Scenic Hot Spring in Kamakura with a View of the Sea


Soak in Serene Splendor: Indulge in Nature’s Hot Springs with Awe-Inspiring Vistas

Inamuragasaki Onsen, a natural hot spring boasting a breathtaking panoramic view, is characterized by its sodium bicarbonate cold mineral spring water. The spring contains organic pine components known as “Moor Springs,” which possess high sterilizing effects and were considered a rare hot spring resource, confirmed in only two locations worldwide until the early Heisei period. The bicarbonate ions and metasilicic acid in this hot spring significantly exceed the standard values set by the Hot Spring Law, making it an exceptionally rare and highly concentrated spring that has garnered widespread attention. The spring is renowned for its efficacy in alleviating fatigue, neuralgia, lower back pain, and sensitivity to cold, as well as its detoxification, cleansing, and beautifying effects on the skin.

The sandy beach of Inamuragasaki is rich in iron content, and it is said that during the Kamakura period, this iron was used to forge swords. It is also believed to be the site of a former gold mine, and occasionally, traces of gold dust can be found in the Inamuragasaki Onsen water. The color of the water is a golden hue tinged with brown, hence the name “Golden Springs.” Despite its proximity to the sea, the spring water contains no seawater, resulting in a refreshing and pleasant water quality even after bathing. Immerse yourself in the enchanting Inamuragasaki Onsen experience while savoring the magnificent scenery.

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